Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Transformative Writing Resources

Writing Away the Demons: Stories of Creative Coping Through Transformative Writing
Resources for the Writer in You

Poets and Writers. 90 Broad Street, New York, N.Y. 10004. (212) 226-3586. www.pw.org This site includes literary and small press databases, literary contests, and job info.

Pudding House. Director, Jennifer Bosveld. 81 Shadymere Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43213.(614) 986-1881. www.puddinghouse.com   Innovative Writers Programs and publications.

The Center for Journal Therapy. Director: Kathleen Adams, www.journaltherapy.com e-mail:KAdamsRPT@earthlink.net Voicemail: 888-421-2298. The mission is “to make the healing art of journal writing accessible to all who desire self-directed change.”

The Creative “Righting” Center, Director, Dr. Sherry Reiter. 718-998-4572. E-mail:sherryreiter@yahoo.comwww.thecreativerightingcenter.com Poetry therapy training in NY and for distance learners. Lectures, seminars, individual therapy. The mission is to achieve wellness and emotional balance through writing, poetry, story, and voice. Monthly meetings in New York one Sunday a month and annual seminars.

Goddard College. www.Goddard.edu  Director: Caryn MIrriam-Goldberg. 802-454-8311. Individualized MA Program in Transformative Language Arts is  focused on social and personal transformation through the spoken and written word. Low residency program allows students to work in home communities.   
The Institute for Poetic Medicine. Director: John Fox, CPT. www.poeticmedicine.org The Institute’s vision is “to awaken the creative and healing voice in the human spirit.” Check out this excellent DVD available from PBS: Healing Words: Poetry and Medicine

The National Association for Poetry Therapy,Phone: 1-866-844NAPT  www.poetrytherapy.org, e-mail info@poetrytherapy.org This membership organization features an annual conference and networking for all persons interested in using the language arts for healing & growth. Note: Journal of Poetry Therapy with membership.

The National Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy.www.nfbpt.com This is the national standards-making body in the field of biblio/poetry therapy. Their website features a complete listing of mentors and a training guide of current requirements.

Teachers and Writers,  5 Union Square West, New York, N.Y. 10003. 212-691-6590. Internet:www.twc.org or info@twc.org  Resources for teachers and writers in education.

Transformative Language Arts Network.www.TLAnetwork.org is committed to supporting those involved in using the written, spoken and sung word for personal and social transformation.TLA Network offers resources as well as the annual Power of Words Conference Check out this great book:Power of Words: A Transformative Language Arts Reader, co-edited by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg and Janet Tallman (TLA Press).

Internet Resources
 www.editred.com Get peer critiques, publishing tips, connections with publishers.

 BridgeXngs Poetry Center,Inc., Lila Weisberger, Director, Master Mentor-Supervisor,  a pioneer in facilitating online seminars and workshops in             poetry therapy and related topics. Tel. 917-660-0440

www.creativewritingprompts.com Features more than 300 writing prompts.

www.favoritepoem.org features American saying the poems they love best. Incredible project!
www.goddard.edu Goddard College's Individualized MA Program's concentration in Transformative Language Arts is a master's degree focused on social and personal transformation through the spoken and written word.
www.healingstory.org The Healing Story Alliance, a special interest group of the National Storytelling Network, shares experience to inform, inspire, nurture and heal via story.

www.inkwings.com A look at Linda Lanza's concepts of applying expressive writing in daily life for strength, growth, and healing. Includes bio, chapbook, inspirational quotations, and essays about finding meaning through imagination.

www.loc.gov/poetry/180 This site offers a poem a day for 180 school days of high school.

www.myspace.com/afrikanamadonna  Barbara Bethea as poetess “Afrikana Madonna” for Like Manna For The Soul CD and upcoming book. 1st African American Licensed Registered Poetry Therapist, women's ministries.

www.nabsinc.org National Association of Black Storytellers promotes and perpetuates the oral tradition that embodies history, heritage, and culture of African Americans.

www.oncolink.com Alysa Cummings, Oncolink Poet-In-Residence. Greetings from Cancerland columnist, survivor poetry and poetry therapy projects. 

www.peerspirit.com Life and Leadership through spirit, quest, and story, co-founded by Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, offering writing workshops and wilderness quests.

www.poetrypoetry.com An audio poetry site with information and excellent links.

www.poets.org The Academy of American Poets. Features Online Poetry Classes, Audio Life/Lines, essays, discussion forums, biannual literary journal and free e-letters.

www.psychologymatters.org/pennebaker.html Article: “Open Up! Writing about Trauma Reduces Stress, Aids Immunity” American Psychological Association article highlights the work of James W. Pennebaker, pioneer in the research of writing and wellness.

www.storycatcher.net  The Storycatcher Network is directed by Christina Baldwin.

www.storyhelp.com  The Center for Autobiographic Studies, directed by Tristine Rainer, focuses on the creation, appreciation and  preservation of autobiographical works.

www.thegoddesscenter.com Maryellen Bova is a Writer, Educator, Director of The Goddess Center, Certified Poetry Arts Therapist and Journal Instructor. She encourages her students to embark on a journey toward self-nurturance and personal growth.

www.writersdigest.com  Online workshops, prompts, and “101 Best Websites for Writers.”

www.writewhereyouare.org  Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Director of the Transformative Language Arts Program at Goddard College www.goddard.edu Dedicated to personal and social change through words. Link to The Power of Words Conference.

writeoutofdepression.blogspot.com  Elizabeth Maynard Schaefer’s blog contains writing prompts and other resources.

www.writethedamnbook.com  Mary Reynolds Thompson, award winning writer, coach and facilitator of poetry workshops.

To arrange a workshop or lecture with Dr. Reiter and/or authors, contact us
We welcome your comments and questions.

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